Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) and bleach (sodium hypochlorite) are both effective disinfectants with antimicrobial properties, but they have some differences in terms of safety and use. Here’s a comparison of the two:
Toxicity and Fumes
Surface Compatibility
Environmental Impact
Ease of Use
Considered safer than bleach, less irritating to skin and lungs, no strong fumes
Safe for a wide range of surfaces, including fabric and electronics
Breaks down into water and salt, environmentally friendly
Considered less corrosive than other disinfectants
Considered easier and safer to use than bleach
Effective in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi
Less than $.20 per gallon with a HYPOGEN HOCl generator
Produces harmful fumes, dangerous when mixed with other chemicals, can cause injury when inhaled or on skin
Can damage or discolor certain materials and surfaces
Can release chlorine gas and other harmful byproducts into the environment
Highly corrosive
Must be handled with care
Effective in killing bacteria, viruses, and fungi
$1 to $3 per gallon on average